Why The Humble Forklift Is The Most Underrated Vehicle In The Construction Industry

There are many important vehicles that make up the backbone of the construction industry, from the towering cranes to the simple flatbed truck, but none are quite so underrated as the forklift. Usually it is the vehicles that are loud and everyone can see that get the most credit, like the cement mixer or the trucks that most people see on the road, but in reality most people forget just how important a role the smaller vehicles play in the construction of almost every building in Australia. Read More 

Need Some Help Choosing Between Bobcat Wet Hire and Dry Hire?

The most important factors to consider when hiring a bobcat machine (regardless of the hire being wet or dry) is the experience of operators, licensing and condition of the equipment. A wet bobcat hire means an operator will be included in the machine hire while a dry bobcat hire means there will be no operator. You will have to get an operator. How will you make an informed decision? Consider Your Budget and On-Site Liability Read More 

Why Use a Tub Grinder on Your Land Clearing Project?

When you're clearing a piece of land, your initial plans focus on how to clear everything off the ground. While this takes you some way to getting the plot clear, it doesn't cover what happens to the stuff you remove. Using a tub grinder during the clearing process is one way to get rid of green waste. What are tub grinders and how can they help you with land clearing? What Are Tub Grinders? Read More 

3 Things to Know about Semi-Trailer Shelter Conversion

An increasingly popular option for people wanting to convert pre-existing options into long-term living solutions is to use a semi-trailer. These semi-trailers can be a suitable framework for long-term living solutions when they are converted properly. Here are three things you need to know about semi-trailer shelter conversion. These three key points may make the difference in the type of semi-trailer you use or if you use one at all. Read More 

Should You Choose Leather Over Fabric For Your New Truck Seat?

A modern truck may be an enormously complex vehicle made of of thousands of individual components, but few of those components are as important as the seat you sit in to drive it -- after all, how can you be expected to focus on the road and drive safely with crippling back pain and a numb behind? Consequently, you should take care to make the right choices when choosing a new driver's seat for your rig, and deciding what type of covering you want for your seat can be a little more difficult than you might think. Read More